Finance Credit Cards

How to Negotiate Credit Card Debt?

How to Negotiate Credit Card Debt?
How to Negotiate Credit Card Debt?

Want to know How to Negotiate Credit Card Debt? If Yes, You are at the right place.

In this article, we are sharing all the information about How to Negotiate Credit Card Debt?.

You’re not alone if you’re in debt to your credit cards. This year, U.S. credit card debt reached new record levels. When you’re overdue on your credit card accounts or struggling with credit card bills, negotiating your credit card debt might be the solution you need. The creditor might agree to let you pay less than the outstanding balance and let you close the account without further payment. 

It is important to actively manage your debt to avoid a charge-off and to maintain your current credit score. A debt management plan also offers the possibility of reducing the stress you feel when drowning in debt. Creating a plan that puts you in the know if you contact your creditors is possible.

A recent Experian survey found that Americans have an average balance of $5,315, drowning in debt. According to the Federal Reserve, consumer credit utilization in 2020 was 25.3%, the lowest level over a decade.

If you rely on credit cards to make ends meet, you may believe you will never be able to pay off your credit card debt. There may be other options if you can’t pay off your credit card debt. There is a possibility of negotiating your debt with credit card companies. You can reduce the damage to your credit report by doing this.

What is Credit Card Settlement?

Credit card settlements allow you to pay off credit cards for less than you originally owed. A third-party agency typically handles the process, though you can negotiate low-interest rates or hardship options independently. A debt settlement company will require you to send payments to them and may charge you additional fees.

A credit card settlement can help you get out of debt more quickly without repaying the full amount. However, it’s important to know that debt settlement may lead to a drop in your credit score, and taxes could be impacted in the future. It is possible to be taxed on the difference of $5,000 if you settle a $15,000 debt for $10,000.

How Does Debt Settlement Work?

How Does Debt Settlement Work?
How Does Debt Settlement Work?

The credit card issuer can negotiate with you directly about your debt and repayment plan. Another option is to seek the help of a debt settlement company, sometimes referred to as a debt settlement company or debt relief company. A debt settlement company manages the process and negotiates on your behalf with the creditors. You pay them a fee for each debt they settle for you. 

It is common for debt settlement companies to tell you to stop making credit card payments and to save money in a bank account they specify instead. A monthly fee may be charged for the bank account, but the deposit will be used to make settlement offers. 

Some people can achieve success by working with a debt settlement company. When a professional negotiates on their behalf, they can save a lot of money even after accounting for fees. Creditors may not accept certain debt settlement companies, limiting your options. Moreover, you should beware of scammers who promise to settle your debts but charge you upfront fees or excessive charges without providing good service. 

Why Credit Card Companies Negotiate Debt

It is common for people to let their credit card payments fall by the wayside when finances become tight. It is important to remember that credit card debt is unsecured. You may lose your car or house if you do not pay your mortgage or auto loan. When it comes to credit cards, that’s not the case.

It’s still dangerous to stay caught up on credit card payments. You may damage your credit if you pay late on any bill, including credit card bills. The effects of credit problems can last for years. The bank may also sue you if you default on a credit card bill, leaving you vulnerable to more problems.

It’s no secret that credit card companies know that you may put your unsecured debt at the bottom of your priority list if you’re in financial trouble. The bank’s priorities may shift if you stay caught up on your credit card bill. A card issuer may be willing to negotiate credit card debt instead of taking the risk of you ignoring or filing for bankruptcy.

A credit card issuer may be willing to negotiate to maintain a lifelong relationship or prevent you from missing payments if they have an incentive to keep you as a customer.

In most cases, you cannot directly pay a loan with a credit card. Lenders typically don’t accept credit card payments for loans due to high processing fees and potential risks. However some third-party services might allow you to pay loans using a credit card, but this often incurs additional charges and should be approached cautiously, considering the financial implications.

Why Should You Negotiate Your Credit Card Debt?

Some debt settlement companies can help you settle your debt if you have high credit card debts or missed payments. It is common for these organizations to promise pennies on the dollar to resolve your debt. If you don’t have to do any work, having someone else take care of it for you can be a relief. According to the Federal Trade Commission, you may get different results than you want.

You may be advised to stop making your minimum credit card payments by debt settlement companies because this will result in late fees, higher penalty APRs, and, ultimately, more debt that needs to be resolved. Your card provider may put you in default if you do not communicate with them and do not keep up with your payments. Your account can be moved to collections if you are in default. You may still lose credit points if you miss payments, even if your debt is not charged off.

Additionally, you should keep in mind that not every creditor will work with a debt settlement company. This may not be disclosed upfront by these debt negotiators. It is common for debt settlement companies to be for-profit, so their primary goal is not to resolve your debt but to make money.

Negotiating your debt is often the best option. When you take control of the situation, you have a better chance of achieving what you want.

How to Negotiate Credit Card Debt?

There are several steps involved in negotiating credit card debt, but in a nutshell, the process is as follows:

Make Your Credit Card Debt a Priority

You may need to negotiate with some or all of your credit card companies, depending on your situation. Add up your current balances, interest rates, and minimum monthly payments so you can prioritize your efforts. Assessment of changes in minimum payments or interest rates will help you evaluate the benefits of any proposed changes.

Consider Negotiation Options

Make a decision based on your needs regarding each debt relief option listed above, and determine which approach is most appropriate for each account. When you’re looking for a reduced interest rate or a lower minimum payment, keep your target numbers in mind.

You will need to provide the card issuer with evidence that you will be able to resume payments when you say you will when you are seeking temporary forbearance. If you propose a lump-sum settlement, the settlement agreement may require you to provide evidence of sufficient cash to complete the transaction.

Know the Risks

Getting credit card debt negotiated can be tricky, and there are also significant disadvantages. The following are potential consequences you should be aware of before you begin the process:

  • The card issuer may refuse. There is no obligation for credit card companies to offer settlement or debt relief options to their customers. It is possible, however, to file for bankruptcy if your proposals are rejected. Other options include using a balance transfer credit card, a consolidation loan, or even a debt consolidation loan.
  •  Accounts can be closed. Due to settlement negotiations, your card issuer may close your account or lower your borrowing limit. Reducing your total available credit and increasing your credit utilization rate reduces your buying power and damages your credit score. You may need to close your accounts as part of a debt management plan to avoid taking on further debt.
  •  A core problem may still exist. If debt relief is not provided, the underlying causes that caused the high balances may be overlooked. To avoid raising more problem debt in the future, you may need to examine and change your financial habits, whether you are experiencing financial difficulties, making impulsive purchases, or another factor.

Call Your Card Issuer

You can contact customer service by calling the number on the back of your credit card. Please describe the situation you are in and the arrangement you are seeking. Feel free to practice with a friend beforehand if you’re nervous. Be clear about what you want, and don’t let impatience get in the way. You can and likely will be refused assistance if you are aggressive or hostile.

Get Any Agreement in Writing

Getting the terms of any agreement you reach with your credit card company in writing, by email, fax, or hard copy. Unless a deal is in writing, it is not legally binding.

Types of Credit Card Debt Settlements

Types of Credit Card Debt Settlements
Types of Credit Card Debt Settlements

Three kinds of settlements are likely to be agreed upon by card issuers. Depending on your financial situation, you can select the best one.

Lump-Sum Settlement

This negotiation technique aims to settle your outstanding debt in one big payment, even if it is less than your balance. A credit card may have charges, interest, and fees totaling $4,000, but the bank accepts $2,500 as full payment (your original credit limit) for its full settlement. Card issuers will forgive the remaining balances if they accept the application.

It is important to note that lump-sum settlements can have two potential downsides. Firstly, your credit report might show a settlement for less than the full balance, which could hurt your credit score. You may not suffer any additional damage if your account is already past due. If you forgive a debt, you might have to claim it as income on your income tax return.

Workout Agreement

It usually involves your credit card company lowering your interest rate or temporarily waiving it altogether as part of a workout agreement. It is also possible for the bank to reduce your minimum payment and waive past late fees on your account in an effort to make it easier for you to pay off your debt.

You may also lose access to your card account due to the arrangement with your card issuer. Having your account closed can raise your credit utilization rate even if late payments have already damaged your score. If you have an increase in your credit utilization, your credit score may drop even further. Your FICO Score is influenced to a great extent by your credit utilization, which accounts for up to 30% of the score.

Hardship Agreement

Sometimes called a forbearance program, a hardship agreement may be an option if your financial setback is temporary. If you suddenly lose your job or have an unexpected illness or injury, you should call your card issuer immediately to see if it offers a hardship program.

An issuer may agree to reduce your interest rate, suspend late fees, or reduce your minimum payment temporarily under a hardship plan. Even if you miss a few payments as you recover from the financial blow, you should still be able to make them eventually.

You may still be at risk with this type of agreement if your credit history and scores are still at risk. A bank may report negative information to the credit bureaus during the time of forbearance if required in its hardship agreement.

Video Guide for How to Negotiate Credit Card Debt?

Video Guide for How to Negotiate Credit Card Debt?

Credit Card Debt Settlement Options

There are several debt relief options available from credit card companies, including:

  • Debt settlement. A lump-sum debt settlement with your credit card company may be an option if your account is in collections (or is about to be sent to collections). An example of this would be making a one-time payment that is less than the total balance owed to your credit card issuer. Card issuers typically close your account if you accept and report it to credit bureaus as unpaid. You can expect this entry to impact your credit scores negatively for seven years as long as it remains on your credit report. However, its negative impact will decrease over time.
  •  Having forbearance. Credit card companies may be willing to work with you if you’re experiencing a temporary financial hardship. Your lender may grant you forbearance for a limited time, and/or you may be exempt from interest and fees while under forbearance. If your account has yet to make any payments or has only recently fallen behind on your payments, this could be an option for you.
  •  Workout agreement. You can get a workout agreement to catch up on payments. It’s a permanent renegotiation of your cardholder agreement between you and your lender. The card could be approved if your card issuer agrees to lower your interest rate or reduce your minimum payment. It is also possible for your borrowing limit to be lowered. If your budget would allow a lower monthly payment, this option can be worth exploring.
  •  Debt management plan. Debt management plans are repayment plans arranged by credit counselors. You can negotiate a lower interest rate or monthly payment with the agency under this arrangement. Upon setting up a debt management plan, you will make one monthly payment to the agency, which will disburse the funds to your creditors on your behalf. The agency charges a modest upfront and monthly fee, though ultimately, they can add up.

Pros and Cons of Negotiating Credit Card Debt 

Credit card debt negotiation can have pros and cons, depending on whether you want a lump-sum settlement, hardship agreement, or workout plan.

Pros of Negotiating Credit Card Debt

Provides Financial ReliefIf you choose the right option, you can reduce your debt obligation, reduce interest charges, and/or reduce fees based on your choice.
Possibly Prevents BankruptcyIt might be possible to avoid bankruptcy by negotiating with the creditors on your credit card debt. Creditors can avoid not receiving payment if you declare bankruptcy by agreeing with you.
Emotional and Mental ReliefThere can be a lot of stress involved in dealing with creditors. Negotiating your debt can provide you with financial relief and alleviate your fears of being sued or facing other consequences.
Pros of Negotiating Credit Card Debt

Cons of Negotiating Credit Card Debt 

The Tax ImplicationsThe Internal Revenue Service treats any forgiven debt as taxable income when you pay less than you owe when you enter into a lump-sum agreement. Taxes may be higher for the following year as a result. Ensure that you are financially prepared.
The Implications for CreditThe fact that a credit account is settled on your credit report will adversely affect your credit score. The account is not listed as unpaid, however. Experian reports that some creditors close accounts when you negotiate, which negatively impacts your credit rating.
Cons of Negotiating Credit Card Debt 

How Settling Credit Card Debt May Impact Your Credit

How Settling Credit Card Debt May Impact Your Credit
How Settling Credit Card Debt May Impact Your Credit

The original cardholder agreement is consistent in all the settlement options listed above. If your card issuer revises those terms, they will likely report the change to TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian, even if they accept the revision.

Credit reports can reflect negative entries relating to settled accounts, closed accounts at the issuer’s insistence, and even forbearance accounts. Negative entries can last up to seven years. As long as negative entries remain on your credit reports, they can hurt your credit scores, but their effect will tend to fade over time. If you want to check your credit score, you can do so through Experian for free.

Alternatives to Credit Card Debt Settlement

Some people may benefit from debt settlement, but it’s important to know that it will lower your credit score and make borrowing money harder in the future. If you qualify for future credit, you will end up paying a much higher interest rate than you would if you had a high credit score. You do have other options if you wish to avoid debt settlement.

Credit Card Balance Transfer

You can reduce your credit card debt if you apply for a credit card with a 0% APR balance transfer promotion. There can be 0 percent APR periods of 12 to 20 months, but the terms vary by the card issuer and offer.

The advantage is that you can carry your credit card balance over and pay it off over a few months without paying an APR. It is important to consider that not all balance transfers will transfer your entire amount, which means you will be required to make payments on both your old and new cards. If you aren’t using the card and do not have an APR, you will also need to pay a minimum amount every month.

Debt Consolidation Loan

A debt consolidation loan might be helpful if you have a lot of credit card debt or different types of debt. A lump-sum loan lets you pay off all your debt and then pay back your new loan with one monthly payment.

You can repay your credit card debt more quickly with debt consolidation loans since they generally have lower interest rates than credit cards. However, you’re charged a different interest rate depending on your credit score. You should shop around with a few lenders before applying for a debt consolidation loan to find the best deal and terms for your situation.


Is it a Good Idea to Settle Credit Card Debt?

Pay off your past-due or in-collection account by settling the debt for less than you currently owe. You can save money by settling credit card debt, even if it won’t help your credit as much as paying back accounts on time.

How to Determine If You Should Negotiate Your Debt

The following factors are important to consider when settling your credit card debt with the credit card company. Before you decide to file for bankruptcy, consider exploring other options, such as credit counseling. You may find either of those more suitable for your situation.

You may only be able to negotiate with your credit card company if you are already several months behind in your payments. Consider other options if you are not already several months behind. Additionally, the credit card company will want to find out whether you have the financial capacity to pay the settlement. The settlement could be a lump sum or enough monthly cash flow to cover your settlement obligations.

Should You Negotiate Credit Card Debt?

A credit card debt negotiation can be an effective solution when you cannot repay your debt. If you haven’t missed any payments yet, consider whether there are any alternatives. You might qualify for a better credit card or low-interest loan after credit card debt negotiation, but it could sometimes take years.

How Much Does the Average Credit Card Debt Settle For?

Many factors can affect the debt settlement amount for credit cards, including the card issuer, the balance, and the cardholder’s situation. A national association of debt settlement companies, the American Fair Credit Council (AFCC), says clients who complete debt settlement programs pay, on average, 70% of original debt after fees. A credit card holder can save more money by negotiating directly with the issuing company.

About the author

Vishal Agrahari

Vishal Agrahari is an experienced content writer and financial expert. With his creative and technical expertise in finance and credit cards, he creates content on AquilaResources that is both engaging and useful for readers. He brings a strong background in finance and credit cards that make bring authenticity to his content along with an interest in research to every project he works on.

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